Monday, May 31, 2010

Eighth Wonder of the World

King Lalibela is credited with the foundation of the 11 rock-hewn churches in the 12th century. One of the world's most incredible man-made creations, they are a lasting monument to man's faith in God. Most travel writers describe these churches as the "eighth wonder of the world". These remarkable edifices were carved out of a solid rock, in a region where the ragged landscape still protects the churches from mass tourism. The 11 man-made churches are found in and around the town of Lalibela. Other churches are reached by a 45-minutes drive by 4x4 vehicle, or a three hour ride on mule-back.
The venue for some of the most famous church festivals in Ethiopia, a visit during the great celebrations of Genna (X-mas) and Timket (Epiphany) is particularly rewarding.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Point of interest

The Mysterious Monoliths

Axum, Ethiopia's most ancient city, and capital of one of the most glorious empires of the past, is one of the most illustrious links in the Historic Route. The Axumite Empire flourished 3000 years ago. Its riches can still be pictured on the magnificent stelae or obelisks, the graves of Kings Kaleb and Gebre Meskel, and the Legendary Bath of the Queen of Sheba.

The 16th century Cathedral of St. Mary of Zion was built in the compound of an earlier 4th century church, and is the holiest church in Ethiopia. In its sanctuary is said to rest the original Ark of the Covenant.

The churches and monasteries of Axum are richly endowed with icons, and some of the historical crowns of ancient Emperors.


The Axumite Kingdom

The Ethiopian state originated in the Axumite (also Aksumite) kingdom, a trading state that emerged around the first century A.D. Axum’s core area lay in the highlands of what are today northern Ethiopia and southern Eritrea. At the height of the kingdom’s power, Axumite’s controlled the Red Sea coast, from present day Sudan to Somalia and had dominion of land as far as the Nile Valley in the Sudan. On the Arabian side of the Red Sea, the Axumite kingdom controlled the coast and much of the interior of modern day Yemen. The Axumites perfected a written language (Geez), maintained relations with the Arabs in the Middle East, the Byzantine Empire (the Eastern half of the Roman Empire), and Egypt. There is evidence to suggest that the Axumite state arose as a result of interaction between migrants from Southwest Arabia, who arrived in the Ethiopian Highlands in the first Millennium B.C., and the peoples indigenous to the area. In the mid-fourth century, around 333 A.D., the Axumite king, Ezana, adopted the Christian religion. The Axumite kingdom left a legacy of centralized form of government and the central role of religion in society – two important elements that shaped Ethiopian history.

The Rise of Islam
The rise of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula, around 600 A.D., had a significant impact on the Axumite kingdom and ensuing kingdoms as well. The spread of Islam in the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Northern Africa and coastal parts of the Eastern Africa continuously isolated Axum culturally and commercially from the remainder of the Christian world – particularly the Byzantine Empire. In response to Islamic expansion around the Axumite kingdom and the subsequent loss of their maritime trade routes, the Axumites turned their attention to the northern Ethiopian highlands spreading the kingdom southward.

The Zagwe Dynasty
By the tenth century, the Zagwe dynasty had emerged as a post-Axumite Christian Empire. The Zagwe kingdom was born out of the cultural and political interactions of the Cushitic and Semitic peoples in the northern highlands. Like the Axumite kingdom, the Zagwe dynasty was a political empire rooted in religion. The Zagwe devoted themselves to the construction of new churches and monastaries. Born out of this patronship of religious art is the construction of the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela. Ethiopian Christianity, however, was increasingly isolated from other Christian nations. With the conversion of Egypt to Islam, the Zagwe dynasty lost contact with its closest link with the outside Christianity, the Egyptian Coptic Christian Church.

The Middle Era
A new dynasty, claiming lineage from King Solomon of Israel and Queen Sheba of Ethiopia, came to power in the mid-thirteenth century. This new dynasty continued expansion and pursued a more aggressive policy towards the South. The kingdom found itself combating the growing influence of the Muslims closer to home in the coastal regions of Ethiopia. Religious and ethnic conflicts climaxed in the sixteenth century. The weakened Christian kingdom was pressured by Oromo insurgents in the South and by Muslims from the coast. The Muslim advance was turned back with Portuguese assistance. The contact with the Portuguese ended a long period of isolation from the rest of the Christian world. The Portuguese however brought their own religion, Roman Catholicism, with them and the Jesuit and kindred orders sought to convert the Ethiopians. Ethiopian leaders wanted the Portuguese as military allies only and resented their proselytizing. By 1632, after a civil war between adherents of Catholicism and Ethiopian Orthodox, the Catholic and Jesuit missionaries were expelled from Ethiopia and foreign interaction was again limited.

The Zemena Mesafent
Between the second half of the 18th Century and 1855, Ethiopia was a loosely organized nation without a strong, central ruler. This period is known as Zemene Mesafent or “The Era of Princes”. Throughout the country, there were regional kings who governed particular regions. Though there were nominal kings and at times an emperor, the real power lay in the hands of the noble princes who held the titles of “Ras”. The different principalities were connected economically but were politically disparate – very much resembling a conglomerate of federated states.

Creation of Modern Ethiopia

By 1855, Ras Kassa Hailu of Kwara (later Emperor Tewodros II) emerged as the most powerful of the regional nobility. His military and political (with an emphasis on the former) prowness established his power in Kwara region and allowed him to successfully challenge the other nobility. He succeeded in defeating the other Mesafent and in so doing, became the sole Ethiopian ruler. This accomplishment is the basis of the modern Ethiopia. Although Ethiopia had been united under both the Axumite and Zagwe kingdoms, what set Tewodros II’s leadership apart is that the borders of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) were continuously expanding. Tewodros II, and the subsequent Ethiopian Emperors who followed, not only established a cohesive state but were willing to expand by colonization.

Ethiopia’s next two leaders, Emperor Yohannes IV and Menelik II, built upon Tewodros’s achievements. They continued to build the state and combat foreign (and especially Italian) colonial interests in Ethiopia. The decisive battle of Adwa in 1896, in which Ethiopian forces defeated the invading Italian army, is a moment of great pride for Ethiopians, and indeed all people of African origin. By the early 20th century, Ethiopia had reached its present size compromising the highlands, the key river systems, and the state's central core, surrounded by a borderland buffer zone in low-lying, arid or tropical zones.

Recent History

After a series of events characterized by short reigns, Ras Tafari Mekonen (later Emperor Haile Sellassie) emerged as the leader of Ethiopia. Haile Sellassie centralized the state and expanded Ethiopia's civil society as a counterweight to ethnic forces. He fostered unity through the development of a national army, a pan-Ethiopian economy and modern infrastructure and communications. The Emperor was also instrumental in garnering foreign aid while he was in exile in Britain during the late 1930's when Italy invaded and occupied Ethiopia during 1931-1936. Ethiopia's determination not to be colonized, coupled with the pressures of World War II on Italy, forced Italy out of Ethiopia once more. Haile Sellassie continued to reinvigorate the state. However, the economic benefits were not reaching the peasantry and the working classes, and they eventually rebelled and overthrew Haile Sellassie in 1974. And that ended the history of the Ethiopian Monarchy.
This gave way to the government of President Mengistu Haile Mariam (1974-1991). The administration, rooted in Marxist-Leninist theory and politics, set to create a socialist motherland for the benefit of the masses. Although the intentions were noble, the entire system was foreign to Ethiopian society. Resettlement, villagization, mass political organizations and the command economy alienated the people from their natural environment, alliances and allegiances. More importantly, the de-emphasis of religion, in a country rooted in religion, further aggravated the society. Ruthless suppression of ideological adversaries fostered nationality movements. In 1991, the government (also called the DERGUE) was overthrown by rebel forces led by the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF).


Soon after, in 1993, Eritrea, which had been a province of Ethiopia, succeeded from Ethiopia...The TPLF, in conjunction with other Ethiopian political parties, formed the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, and introduced a new constitution in 1994...Ethiopia and Eritrea went to war in 1998 over disputed territory along their border...Stay tuned, this part of Ethiopian history is in the making...

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Diverse rainfall and temperature patterns are largely the result of Ethiopia's location in Africa's tropical zone and the country's varied topography. Altitude-induced climatic conditions form the basis for three environmental zones-- cool, temperate, and hot--which have been known to Ethiopians since antiquity as the dega, the weina dega, and the kolla, respectively.

The cool zone consists of the central parts of the western and eastern sections of the northwestern plateau and a small area around Harer. The terrain in these areas is generally above 2,400 meters in elevation; average daily highs range from near freezing to 16°C, with March, April, and May the warmest months. Throughout the year, the midday warmth diminishes quickly by afternoon, and nights are usually cold. During most months, light frost often forms at night and snow occurs at the highest elevations.

Lower areas of the plateau, between 1,500 and 2,400 meters in elevation, constitute the temperate zone. Daily highs there range from 16°C to 30°C.

The hot zone consists of areas where the elevation is lower than 1,500 meters. This area encompasses the Denakil Depression, the Eritrean lowlands, the eastern Ogaden, the deep tropical valleys of the Blue Nile and Tekezé rivers, and the peripheral areas along the Sudanese and Kenyan borders.

Daytime conditions are torrid, and daily temperatures vary more widely here than in the other two regions. Although the hot zone's average annual daytime temperature is about 27°C, midyear readings in the arid and semiarid areas along the Red Sea coast often soar to 50°C and to more than 40°C in the arid Ogaden. Humidity is usually high in the tropical valleys and along the seacoast.

Variations in precipitation throughout the country are the result of differences in elevation and seasonal changes in the atmospheric pressure systems that control the prevailing winds. Because of these factors, several regions receive rainfall throughout most of the year, but in other areas precipitation is seasonal. In the more arid lowlands, rainfall is always meager.

In January the high pressure system that produces monsoons in Asia crosses the Red Sea. Although these northeast trade winds bring rain to the coastal plains and the eastern escarpment in Eritrea, they are essentially cool and dry and provide little moisture to the country's interior. Their effect on the coastal region, however, is to create a Mediterranean-like climate. Winds that originate over the Atlantic Ocean and blow across Equatorial Africa have a marked seasonal effect on much of Ethiopia. The resulting weather pattern provides the highlands with most of its rainfall during a period that generally lasts from mid-June to mid-September.

The main rainy season is usually preceded in April and May by converging northeast and southeast winds that produce a brief period of light rains, known as balg. These rains are followed by a short period of hot dry weather, and toward the middle of June violent thunderstorms occur almost daily. In the southwest, precipitation is more evenly distributed and also more abundant. The relative humidity and rainfall decrease generally from south to north and also in the eastern lowlands. Annual precipitation is heaviest in the southwest, scant in the Great Rift Valley and the Ogaden, and negligible in the Denakil Depression.

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Ethiopia is the home of some of the most exotic ancient civilizations in the world, and the land where some of our earliest human ancestors have been discovered. From its Orthodox Christian heritage in the Central Highlands, to its Islamic areas near Sudan and in the East, to the traditional tribal people of the South, Ethiopia travel offers a diversity and confluence of cultures that is fascinating. The country's Northern landscape is dotted with old ruins and wonders: ancient sculpted towers, Arab-influenced walled towns and early churches carved out of solid rock. Ethiopia also has wild places of lions and hippos and untamed rivers. In the Omo Valley, one can see the tribal cultures of the Hamer, the Mursi and the Dorze, known for their elaborate face and body adornments.

· Visit ancient Christian monasteries and churches, with magnificent murals - many are UNESCO Sites
· Explore European and Islamic-influenced Gondar, the first capital of the Ethiopian empire.

· See thrilling wildlife in Semien & Mago National Parks

· Mingle with tribespeople from the Mursi, Dorze and Chencha villages, among others

· Travel to Ethiopia on this remarkably diverse journey of ancient historic sites and present day tribal cultures. Enjoy a boat trip on Lake Tana to the Zeghe Peninsula, known for its 14th century, round, grass-roofed churches with their magnificent wall murals.

· Visit Simien Mountains National Park which contains some of the most dramatic scenery in Africa. There is a high chance you will see Gelada baboons.

· Tour the famous eleven rock-hewn churches in Lalibella, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the wonders of the world. Axum is another UNESCO World Heritage Site, a holy city of Ethiopia and the cradle of Ethiopian civilization.

· Travels through Ethiopia’s beautiful and primitive Omo Valley. Enjoy encounters with various tribal groups along with excellent wildlife viewing

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