Friday, May 28, 2010

Ethiopia is the home of some of the most exotic ancient civilizations in the world, and the land where some of our earliest human ancestors have been discovered. From its Orthodox Christian heritage in the Central Highlands, to its Islamic areas near Sudan and in the East, to the traditional tribal people of the South, Ethiopia travel offers a diversity and confluence of cultures that is fascinating. The country's Northern landscape is dotted with old ruins and wonders: ancient sculpted towers, Arab-influenced walled towns and early churches carved out of solid rock. Ethiopia also has wild places of lions and hippos and untamed rivers. In the Omo Valley, one can see the tribal cultures of the Hamer, the Mursi and the Dorze, known for their elaborate face and body adornments.

· Visit ancient Christian monasteries and churches, with magnificent murals - many are UNESCO Sites
· Explore European and Islamic-influenced Gondar, the first capital of the Ethiopian empire.

· See thrilling wildlife in Semien & Mago National Parks

· Mingle with tribespeople from the Mursi, Dorze and Chencha villages, among others

· Travel to Ethiopia on this remarkably diverse journey of ancient historic sites and present day tribal cultures. Enjoy a boat trip on Lake Tana to the Zeghe Peninsula, known for its 14th century, round, grass-roofed churches with their magnificent wall murals.

· Visit Simien Mountains National Park which contains some of the most dramatic scenery in Africa. There is a high chance you will see Gelada baboons.

· Tour the famous eleven rock-hewn churches in Lalibella, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the wonders of the world. Axum is another UNESCO World Heritage Site, a holy city of Ethiopia and the cradle of Ethiopian civilization.

· Travels through Ethiopia’s beautiful and primitive Omo Valley. Enjoy encounters with various tribal groups along with excellent wildlife viewing

my other link


Unknown said...

Just awesome blog,it is one the famous tourist spots.Thank You,

Unknown said...
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